Displaying 1 to 15 (of 15 products)
6 Huge Nishiki Willow with Tube. … $45.00
Shoots flaming balls
12 professional effects… $79.00
Shoots flaming balls with reports
24 Professional Effects… $159.00
White Strobing to Red with Red Pistil, White Strobing to Red with Green Pistil, White Strobing to Red with Sea… $124.00
1 minute of thick black smoke. Duration: ~1:00… $2.00
Shoots flaming balls
184 shots… $199.00
24 different professional, beautiful and HUGE effects. Much louder and bigger than 3". Comes with 4 tubes.… $135.00
Caution: Shoots Flaming Balls and Reports… $11.00
Box of 8 - 90 second smoke crayons in bright classic colors!… $21.00 $16.00
144 Bottlerockets w/report… $8.00
Neon yellow and green peonies. Shots: 12… $59.00
Yellow and blue crackling effects ending with its own golden finale. Shots: 12… $24.00
Red and blue glittering effects ending with its own white/silver finale. Shots: 12 Duration: ~0:21… $24.00
Shoots an array of teal, green, peach, and lemon colors and ends with surprising finale. This would be a great… $59.00
Displaying 1 to 15 (of 15 products)